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Auto Care Week/The Greensheet

 Annual Subscription and Renewal $280 (U.S. Funds)

(If you are part of a group account, please contact us for renewal by phone or invoice.)

Annual Subscription or Renewal – Click Here

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Individual $280 (U.S. FUNDS) annual subscriptions to Auto Care Week/The Greensheet are for single users only. We do not allow sharing of a single account (username/password access) among multiple people, which is a violation of our copyright. However, we charge very reasonable rates for group subscriptions, which give several people in an organization access to Auto Care Week/The Greensheet at a cost-effective rate. We have groups from 3 to 100+. Group subscriptions are custom-quoted based on the size of the group (the larger the group, the lower the per-unit cost).

Want to get The Greensheet in front of other members of your team?

Group Subscription Plans Available! For more information and a very cost-effective price quote, contact us at [email protected].

Purchase, Access, Cancellation  Refund Policies. All purchases are payable in U.S. funds only. Subscribers receive weekly emails noting current content which can be accessed at website after log in. Log in is set up when ordering the annual subscription. Subscriptions expire 1 year after payment is processed.

Refunds after 30 days are prorated by months remaining minus a $35 processing fee.

All requests for changes in the subscription including refunds can be made via [email protected] or call 1-330-688-4960.

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